For our laboratory we will go with a selection of two Enterprise Integration Patterns. We chose "remote procedure call" and "idempotent consumer".
Remote procedure call: As already explained this is the one developers mostly think in. There are some points you must be aware by using rpc:
You bind your client to the server. If the server is not here - the client has to handle the situation.
Depending on the experience of the developer he could think it is an in-memory call. It is not! It goes over the wire! So exception handling is an issue here.
Idempotent receiver: I preferably call it also "idempotent consumer". Why? It is more inline to the terminology used by RabbitMq. The idea behind this pattern:
As far as your queues are persistent you de-couple the client from the server. If the server is not there, messages are preserved by the broker. As soon the server is ready again, the messages get processed.
Idempotent means you can send the same message over and over again. The state is just modified once in your system. Remark: Do not rely on FIFO principles by a broker. Things can go wrong. Your application design must ensure idempotent behaviour here.
I would say with these two patterns you are already prepared to a good start with a messaging broker. In fact, I have seen applications just using more or less these two patterns.